NYtheatre interview

NYtheatre interview

It's that time of year again… Time for another Pumpkin Pie Show. The folks at Nytheatre.com were kind enough to throw a couple questions my way about me and the show. You can read the interview here: http://bit.ly/TvtO7f

How much of a jackass am I in this interview? Too much? Not enough?

We are one month away from showtime. Three nights only, y'all. Get your tix!

September 25, 2012

Related: The Pumpkin Pie Show

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“Volume of Smoke succeeds in its ability to offer an affecting meditation on tragedy in a post-Sept. 11 context... For a play steeped in history, Volume of Smoke manages to offer some surprising insight into our own times. ”

volume of smoke

Performances: volume of smoke