Typhoid Fever interview
Artist Will Robson and I chatted with Marvel about the Typhoid Fever mini-series and what it’s been like to pit badass baddie Typhoid Mary against the likes of Spider-Man, X-Men and Iron Fist. You can read the interview here.
November 19, 2018
Related: TYPHOID FEVER: X-MEN #1Leave a Comment
“The filmmakers take on this fascinating subject is not only bold and honest, it is also utterly hilarious, thanks mostly to the deliciously creepy voice-over work of screenwriter Chapman. ...Chapman sounds like a deranged poet who's clearly spent too much time studying that other Lovecraft while in the asylum. His fevered hysteria... rivals that of the great Gene Wilder for sheer simulated delirium, a true spectacle indeed. ”
— Film Threat