Dispatches from India…

Dispatches from India…

Greetings from Santiniketan! Every year since 2006, my wife and I have ventured across the pond to India around the holidays. It's an excuse to get off the grid for a bit and do nothing but write and read a lot of books under the mosquito net. This year, we decided to bring the newest addition to the family, our 3-month old son Jasper, rather than leave him at home with a couple tins of Campbell's soup and a can opener. So far, he's been digging it here.

So. 2012 is nearly over and done. Time to ring in the new year. But before we do, I've been looking back and thinking about all the adventures that took place in 2012. The year kickstarted with a sojourn to the Sundance Film Festival with our short HENLEY. We were fortunate enough to land a deal to produce a feature-length version with Elijah Wood's new production company The Woodshed. Plus my very first Spider-Man comic came out.

Oh, and there was that whole baby thing. That was pretty cool.

So what's there to look forward to in 2013? It's aiming to be a doozy, from the looks of it. In May, my novel HOMEROOM HEADHUNTERS hits the shelves. This one's been in the works for a while and I'm very, very excited. Please pick up ten copies. We are gearing up to shoot HENLEY this summer, which should be crazy. I've got an Avengers comic coming out. I've scored a few playwriting commissions which will see the light of day throughout the year… And no Halloween would be the same without a Pumpkin Pie Show.

All in all, 2013's looking like it could be a mind-blowing year. Cross those fingers. While I'm swaddled in my mosquito net with the rest of the fam, thinking about new years resolutions, I'm planning on coming into 2013 to kick some ass and chew bubble gum… and I'm all out of bubble gum.

December 29, 2012

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“A deeply eerie and evocative portrayal of what it's like to stare into the abyss and find something there waiting for you. A memorable, disquieting ghost story about stories, rendered inside a Möbius strip.”
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