NY Times: No Rest for the Wicked, Undead or Ghoulish

Just in time for Friday the 13th, the NY Times has a lovely lil' story in today's paper about all the various odds and spooky ends of horror theater (and cinema) happening this summer right here in NYC. And look who gets quoted, but yours truly…
To read the article, click here: http://nyti.ms/Nl5jVc
Mama, I'm in the Times! Thanks to Erik Piepenburg for the "Fear-Mongers" shout-out. We're just a heartbeat away from making a huge announcement for our October show, so keep your eyes peeled for updates! T.G.I.F.13th!
July 12, 2012
Related: Fear-MongersLeave a Comment
“A deeply eerie and evocative portrayal of what it's like to stare into the abyss and find something there waiting for you. A memorable, disquieting ghost story about stories, rendered inside a Möbius strip.”
— Kirkus