The Boy is the Best of 2015!

The Boy is the Best of 2015!

As 2015 comes to a close, the annual 'best of' lists have begun to crop up… And wouldn't you know it, but our own little BOY has popped up on several of them. Check it out! Our baby's all grown up!

IndieWire dropped the gauntlet by placing THE BOY at #5 on their list “The 13 Most Criminally Overlooked Indies and Foreign Films of 2015,” saying “the mounting tension is almost unbearable. It's not a question of if, but rather when the boy will snap — and when it happens, it's more horrifying than you could have imagined.”

Which, truth told, is pretty awesome of IndieWire, given the fact that they had us on their “14 Best New Indie Horror Movies You Should Watch For Halloween 2015” list back in October, claiming our leading man Jared Breeze “unquestionably offers up a creepy child character for the ages, and the scariest depiction of emerging lunacy in years.”

The Lineup went even further and pinned us at #4 on their list “The 10 Scariest Movies of 2015,” saying we can add our own Ted Henley “to the list of American psychos who have imprinted many a horror fiend’s psyche.”

Fangoria plopped us at #7 on their list “The Year in Horror: Ken's Top 10 Horror Films,” saying: “An unnerving exercise in slow-burn tension… Anchored with an atmosphere of palpable dread and inevitable tragedy, THE BOY is a horror film where the other shoe can drop at any moment, making the journey to its shocking finale all the more riveting and uneasy.”

Best New Horror Movies put us on their list “The Top 15 Horror Movies of 2015,” calling it “ridiculously powerful.”

Hitfix started off December by putting THE BOY on their “14 Great Under the Radar Films of 2015,” claiming it is “a tense and unexpectedly moving portrait of a budding sociopath.”

Hitfix then went even further and listed our “swimming pool” scene on their list of “Scariest Movie Moments of 2015,” calling it “a moment of sustained, unbearable tension.”

Bloody-Disgusting drops THE BOY at #13 on “Kalyn's Top 20 Genre Movies of 2015,” calling it a “taut, disturbing little thriller.”

THE BOY is “as brooding and intimate as psychopathic portraits can get” says Film Police Reviews. We're #5 on their “16 Best Horror Films of 2015!

iHorror says THE BOY “is one of the most chilling movies I saw this year” on their “The Best and Worst Horror Films of 2015.”

THE BOY landed in the top 3 at Frightday's “Sam's Top 13 Horror Films of 2015,” calling it “a poignant, unflinching meditation of a blossoming sociopath.” Then Kelly plops us at the solid spot of #12 on her list “Kelly's Top 13 Horror Films of 2015,” calling THE BOY “disturbing.”

The VHS Graveyard went ahead and placed us on their list “The Best of the 31 Days of Halloween (2015 Edition),” saying THE BOY “may very well be the scariest (and most essential) film of 2015.”

Horror Galore went ahead and gave us a winning position of #4 on their list “The Most Scary Horror Movies of 2015!”

Gruesome Magazine calls THE BOY “an excellent character study of a psycho.” Look who's #8 on their “Top 10 Horror Films of 2015.”

Ain't It Cool News dropped THE BOY on their list “Quint Weighs In On His Favorite 2015 Films,” rooting for our psycho and saying that “by the end of it you're oddly on his side. At least I was, but I'm kind of a weirdo.”

Got a moment to listen to The Picking Brains Podcast? You should! Leap in at 55 minutes on their new episode #114 as they list off their “Top 13 of 2015” and we land at #5. “The Rainn Wilson masterpiece,” they call it!

Even our soundtrack is getting some love… Hauschka makes Headphone Commute's “Best of 2015 : Music For The Film Behind Closed Eyelids.”

The fine folks at Chiller Films did their own little roundup “THE BOY Named One of the Best Horror Films of 2015.”

And hey! While we're at it… As a total bonus to end 2015, my graphic novel SELF STORAGE landed on Pop Culture HQ's “Best 25 Comic Book List of 2015,” calling it “a great new twist to the zombie lore.”


December 27, 2015

Related: The Boy (feature)

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“A deeply eerie and evocative portrayal of what it's like to stare into the abyss and find something there waiting for you. A memorable, disquieting ghost story about stories, rendered inside a Möbius strip.”
— Kirkus

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