The sound of my foot in my mouth (Soundtrack Series)

Somebody pressed record.
The lovely folks at The Soundtrack Series captured this recording of me reading at their June 8th show. The theme was prom and I talked, rather goofily, about my past experiences at that most memorable night. I'm a bit mumbly through the whole thing, but if you care to give it a spin, you can listen here:
It's an okay story, I guess. Pretty safe and silly, all in all. Writing about oneself or telling a story about oneself still feels like putting on a pair of pants that don't feel comfy just yet. There's a reason why I don't try tackling the Moth. I blow at it. I've always found it easier to pick a made up character's perspective and tell their story… Or try to. Besides, who the hell wants to listen to me mouth off about myself? Better leave that to the pros. Like Adam Wade. He shared a great story about his prom experience that same night as I did and it was totally humbling to see him just be… well, just be honest.
This is the second time I've written a piece for The Soundtrack Series. My personal fave was my ode to Led Zep's most makeoutable song. Truth told, it's one of the only things I've ever written about myself that's honest and still feels like fun and doesn't leave me with that ulcer over navel-gazing. It's called "ascending the stairway" and you can listen to a recording of it here:
Noticing a theme yet? I've had school dances on the brain for some reason…
All apologies to anyone I ever went to prom with. This piece is no where near enough of an atonement for my dance floor addictions. Not to mention the truthiness of a few of the finer points of the past. But whatever. I was a big fat idiot back then and I still am now. The more things change, the more they…
(Photo by Emily Bryan, Emily Bryan Photography)
July 6, 2012
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“A deeply eerie and evocative portrayal of what it's like to stare into the abyss and find something there waiting for you. A memorable, disquieting ghost story about stories, rendered inside a Möbius strip.”
— Kirkus