Midtown Comics Podcast!
I was invited on the Midtown Comics Podcast last week to chat about my upcoming issue of Edge of Spider-Verse #4. Shout outs to Ellie Pyle and Elia 骨 Bonetti for helping create the creepiest Spider-Man yet! Out this Wednesday!
You can listen to the podcast here: http://bit.ly/1rzeE0c
September 29, 2014
Related: Edge of Spider-VerseLeave a Comment
Spider-Verse Status Chart!

My Giant Spider achieves “scary dude” status on this kickass Spider-Verse Status Chart over at the awesome blog Whatever A Spider Can.
Check it out here: http://t.co/B8j7BgIELY
Countdown to issue #4 has begun! October 1st is right around the corner…
September 10, 2014
Related: Edge of Spider-VerseLeave a Comment
Sneak peak of SPIDER-VERSE!
Marvel just released a sneak peak of our insanely scary-awesome EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE #4. Check out Elia Bonetti's beautifully creepy work here and pick up your own copy on October 1st!
OMG OMG OMG… It looks so beautiful it looks so beautiful: http://bit.ly/1uG8EBC
September 8, 2014
Related: Edge of Spider-VerseLeave a Comment
That’s a wrap on THE BOY!

We're back from Colombia… Now it's time to edit this baby boy into a moooooooooovie!
September 2, 2014
Related: The Boy (feature)Leave a Comment
Fango is ready to get SEASICK…
The Pumpkin Pie Show has always loved Fangoria Magazine… And the kind folks at Fango have given a little bit of that love back to us with their kind write-up for our upcoming NYC show—SEASICK.
“One of the absolute best bets of any New York City spooky season is the annual iteration of the visceral PUMPKIN PIE SHOW… If you’ve not experienced PUMPKIN PIE before, you’re very much in for something special and I hope you’ll make the show a part of your many horror and Halloween-accompanying plans this fall.”
Thank you, Samuel Zimmerman for your poetry. You are a god amongst men. Now… Who wants to see a show?
To read the full article, click here: http://bit.ly/1ons9JX
August 26, 2014
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The time is nigh for Pumpkin Pie…
The Pumpkin Pie Show. NYC. Coming soon. October 2014. This one's gonna be a doozy.
August 15, 2014
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New variant cover for Edge of Spider-Verse!

Super-cool comic artist Greg Land has whipped up some super-creepy variant cover art for my upcoming EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE story “I WALKED WITH A SPIDER.” Check it out, along with his other covers, here: http://bit.ly/1xCbozZ
August 13, 2014
Related: Edge of Spider-VerseLeave a Comment
Take Me To Comic Con

“Issue #4 by Clay McLeod Chapman and Elia Bonetti is terrifying. It's probably closer to Metamorphosis by Kafka than anything by Stan Lee.”
Read it here: http://bit.ly/1rGh3GV
July 25, 2014
Related: Edge of Spider-VerseLeave a Comment
CHILLING VISIONS airs tonight on Chiller TV!
Hey. Watcha doin' tonight? Watching CHILLING VISIONS: 5 STATES OF FEAR on Chiller TV, of course! Tune in at 9 PM tonight to see our segment “The Trouble With Dad” in part of this five-part anthology horror feature. Co-written and co-starring that guy in the picture over there. TGIF!
To find out more about the movie, click here: http://bit.ly/1jDLQfA
July 11, 2014
Related: The Trouble With Dad (segment)Leave a Comment
TCG’s Crossing Borders {Art | People} salon
I was fortunate enough to write a post for the 2014 TCG National Conference: Crossing Borders {Art | People} blog salon, curated by Caridad Svich.
You can read my article “I'll Be Your One-Way Mirror: Crossing the 4th Wall” here, where I talk all about The Pumpkin Pie Show vs Law & Order.
Read the article here: http://bit.ly/1pR4w3J
July 7, 2014
Related: The Pumpkin Pie ShowLeave a Comment
Hostage Song Takes the UK… um, well, Hostage

The reviews are in for the European premiere of our indie-rock musical HOSTAGE SONG and we're getting a solid thumbs up. Here are some kick-ass pull quotes:
“Raw performances draw the emotion and horror from a blunt, hard-hitting script… Clay McLeod Chapman’s writing gathers momentum and becomes increasingly brilliant, with dazzling poetic flashes. It also becomes increasingly gruesome as scenes flit imperceptibly between horrific reality and childlike fantasy.”—Everything Theatre. Four out of five stars. Read the review here: http://bit.ly/1yQSLf9
“Clay McLeod Chapman’s script is fast-paced and full of satisfyingly dark humour… It’s a laugh a minute, but then the next a line comes along out of the blue and punches you right in the guts.”—A Younger Theatre. Read the review here: http://bit.ly/1vlze1Z
“Hostage Song signifies progression in a fresh form of musical theatre… Clay McLeod Chapman’s harrowing book is eminently realistic.”—The Stage. Read the review here: http://bit.ly/UEPQXg
“Strong performance, exceptional writing and superb music make this an enjoyable show well worth watching – just don’t expect to come out smiling.”—The Public Reviews. Four out of five stars. Read the review here: http://bit.ly/1qHuE04
“The book by Chapman flicks between heartbreaking monologues from those nearest and dearest to the hostages and scenes of desperate role-play from a mesmerising Matus and Marshall… Hostage Song is not a musical for the faint hearted or for those with a more traditional disposition but if you like something with a little more meat on its bones and less jazz hands than your average musical then snap up a ticket before it’s too late.”—Bargain Theatreland. Read the review here: http://bit.ly/UJ2ioU
“...an intense experience which is constantly unsettling, often very upsetting, but also occasionally joyous and ultimately quite unique… It’s the painful personal memories recalled and small human touches woven into Clay McLeod Chapman’s book that ultimately make this work.”—Musical Theatre Review. Read the review here: http://bit.ly/1sI6C6V
June 29, 2014
Related: Hostage SongLeave a Comment
Paperback for Breakfast on Mars out now!

Just got my author copy of the new BREAKFAST ON MARS paperback and it looks taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasty!
I got to write an essay for this kick-ass collection called SHOWERING WITH SPIDERS. Spoiler: It's never fun to shower with spiders. FYI.
June 26, 2014
Related: Breakfast on Mars and 37 Other Delectable EssaysLeave a Comment
Final TV promo for CHILLING VISIONS!

Let the countdown begin! Three weeks away until the anthology CHILLING VISIONS: 5 STATES OF FEAR airs on Chiller TV, featuring the short THE TROUBLE WITH DAD written by myself and director Glenn McQuaid! Make it to the 1-minute mark and you can see the TV promo for our film! See if you can spot me…
To watch the promo, click here: http://bit.ly/1ps76sd
June 22, 2014
Related: The Trouble With Dad (segment)Leave a Comment
Microphone check, one two, one two…
Look who's down in Hotlanta, Georgia recording the audio-book version of the story-triptych COMMENCEMENT… It's none other than the kick-ass Hanna Cheek! This one's going to be intense. Your ears will not be able to handle this one, we promise you. More updates to come!
June 19, 2014
Related: CommencementLeave a Comment
Interview at Marvel and new cover revealed!
I just created a new character in the Marvel universe. The anti-Peter Parker. The anti-Spider-Man. And now I can talk all about it in this kick-ass profile over at the Marvel Comics website!
You can read the article “On the Edge of Spider-Verse: Patton Parnell” here: http://bit.ly/1mNWKA6
This is hands down one of the coolest projects I've ever worked on… Thanks to my editor Ellie Pyle, cover artist Garry Brown, illustrator Elia Bonnetti and interviewer Paul Montgomery for the great write-up…
Issue #4 hits the shelves October 1st! Soooo faaaaar awaaaaaaay…
June 13, 2014
Related: Edge of Spider-VerseLeave a Comment
New Spider-Man story for Edge of Spider-Verse!

It's official! Comic Book Resources just made the announcement… So I can too:
“Marvel's upcoming “Spider-Verse” event is set to start in November 2014, but the publisher is first setting the table in September and October with the five-issue “Edge of Spider-Verse” series. Each issue will be by a different creative team, and focus on a different alternate universe Spider-Man.”
For more, click here: http://bit.ly/1pMckT3
Written by Clay McLeod Chapman. Art and Cover by Garry Brown.
· A radioactive spider bites a high school nerd who is already something of a monster. Horror writer Clay Mcleod Chapman takes you to a universe where the story you know becomes as horrific as possible.
Issue #4 will his the shelves this October. Just in time for Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
June 6, 2014
Related: Edge of Spider-VerseLeave a Comment
Teaser TV spot for CHILLING VISIONS!

Here's a fun teaser for the anthology film CHILLING VISIONS: 5 STATES OF FEAR featuring our short THE TROUBLE WITH DAD (written by me and director Glenn McQuaid). Spooooooky times. You can check it out here: http://bit.ly/1lWUDL5
CHILLING VISIONS airs on the Chiller network Friday, July 11th at 9 PM. Set your DVRs!
May 22, 2014
Related: The Trouble With Dad (segment)Leave a Comment
Drunk Monkeys Interview
This is a pretty extensive interview about the last twenty years of my life. The kind folks over at Drunk Monkeys (yes, Drunk Monkeys) asked me all about The Boy, The Pumpkin Pie Show, Rest Area and Miss Corpus, among a million other things. Thanks to Gabriel Ricard for making me feel like people actually read the things I write… not to mention remember then, over a decade later.
Check out the interview here: http://bit.ly/1lrjSDT
May 16, 2014
Related: Rest AreaLeave a Comment

In celebration of the release of THE TRIBE II: CAMP CANNIBAL, we are chewing through the eastern seaboard (and then some). New York. Maryland. Washington, DC. Virginia. And… Colorado. WE ARE COMING FOR YOU!
1 PM: Reading at the Estes Valley Public Library. Held in conjunction with The Stanley Film Festival. For more info, click here: http://bit.ly/1lY7Swf
7—9PM: KGB BAR Book Release Party. At the KGB Bar (85 East 4th St, btn 2nd and 3rd Ave). For more info, click here: http://bit.ly/1hLnbDb
10AM-1PM: The All-Ages Show: Rutgers' First Annual YA and Juvenile Fiction Conference. Featuring Lev Grossman (The Magicians), Clay McLeod Chapman (The Tribe II: Camp Cannibal), Catherynne Valente (The Girl Who Circumnavigated Dreamland), and Aaron Starmer (Riverman). For more info, click here: http://bit.ly/1lY8BNZ
3 PM: Reading at Twin Hickory Public Library (Henrico). For more info, click here: http://bit.ly/1lY9zK8
6-8 PM: Reading at Chop Suey Books (Richmond). A hometown book release party at the coolest RVA indie bookstore there is! For more info, click here: http://bit.ly/1lYa8na
4—5 PM: Book-signing at BBGB Books (Richmond). For more info, click here: http://bit.ly/1lYb4ba
6—8 PM: Reading/workshop at the Richmond Public Library. Kickoff for the Black Males Emergent Readers program. For more info, click here: http://bit.ly/OhjPAF
7—8PM: Reading/book discussion at Hooray for Books. For more info, click here: http://bit.ly/1lYbLBn
7 PM: Reading at the Bethesda Library. For more info, click here: http://bit.ly/1lYdjLz
1—3 PM: Panel discussion at Books of Wonder. Panel discussion featuring CLAY CHAPMAN The Tribe Book 2: Camp Cannibal, VINCE VAWTER Paperboy, NATALIE STANDIFORD Swtiched at Birthday, and JEFF BARON Sean Rosen is Not for Sale. For more info, click here: http://bit.ly/1lYcZfV
...Not to mention I'll be visiting several middle schools along the way. I'm looking at you Robious Middle, St. Christopher's, Orchard House, Albert Hill Middle, Bay Ridge… You know who you are. If you are a teacher/librarian and you want me to come to your school, hit me up!
April 13, 2014
Related: The Tribe: Camp CannibalLeave a Comment
LaBute! Guare! Chapman!

Wanna see new works by John Guare? Neil LaBute? Clay McLeod Chapman? Then you should check out this awesome festival at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe. From Broadway World: “Nine Signs of the Times, a sequel to the 2007 festival Five Story Walkup and the 2010 festival Seven Card Draw, runs April 11-13 at 7:00pm. Nine Signs of the Times showcases new plays and monologues by nine authors: LaBute, Guare, gothic monologist Clay McLeod Chapman, playwright and actress Halley Feiffer, bilingual dramatist Caridad Svich, playwrights Quincy Long and Laura Shaine, dramatist/ librettist Daniel F. Levin and the festival's producer/creator, Daniel Gallant (director of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe).”
For more info, click here: http://bit.ly/1gQNY1i
April 7, 2014
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“A face-peelingly awesome finale... Lazaretto is one of those rare things in the world of comics – a fascinating premise that actually manages to live up to its potential.”
— Big Comic Page